Category Archives: News

NEW Ship Core Finder on SGVE Server #1

By [SGVE] ViktorK |CZ| Hi all,
I’ve added to server new handy SENT which will help you target enemies’ ships and stargate vehicles (jumper, etc…)

You can find it in QMenu – Entities – SGVE Entities – [SGVE] ShipCore Finder.

To use it just wire Player Entity (from your E2 or Target Finder) to input and it will automatically output Player’s Ship Core entity or Stargate Vehicle entity (jumper, glider..) which you can then use for your weapons as target.

Good thing is when player has ship and it’s on spawn it won’t target it so you won’t attack earth by mistake.

If you have any questions or suggestions let me know! πŸ™‚


From:: SGVE Server News

BIG UPDATE! New webpages and more!

By [SGVE] ViktorK |CZ| Dear players,
we announcing new version of SGVE web pages ( ) which should provide you clear interface and more simple look. Also we updated RULES for server to make them more understandable, don’t forget to check them.

We are also introducing WEB CHAT where you can chat with players currently on all of our server, you just need to log in via Steam and start chatting. It’s still beta so be patient. πŸ™‚

Also you can check all our ranked players on new web including donors (wraiths) and jaffas. We will also clean up jaffa players a bit so if you are not longer interrested on SGVE or you want to keep your jaffa rank but don’t play currently, let us know!

We will add more features such ban list etc.. to the web soon but till that time you can view current bans on or by typing !bans in servers’ chat. There are also new commands !rules and !donate which will open proper webpage with information you need.

And last of all, current old SGVE #1 will be turned off by ending this week and it will be replaced with new SGVE #1 which you can find on IP: All your ranks and stuff should be there.

BTW. SGVE #2 shoud start working again in following weeks, SGVE #3 will be on preparation soon.

Enjoy! πŸ™‚

ViktorK and eber from SGVE

From:: SGVE Server News

BIG UPDATE! New webpages and more!

Dear players,
we announcing new version of SGVE web pages ( ) which should provide you clear interface and more simple look. Also we updated RULES for server to make them more understandable, don’t forget to check them.

We are also introducing WEB CHAT where you can chat with players currently on all of our server, you just need to log in via Steam and start chatting. It’s still beta so be patient. πŸ™‚

Also you can check all our ranked players on new web including donors (wraiths) and jaffas. We will also clean up jaffa players a bit so if you are not longer interrested on SGVE or you want to keep your jaffa rank but don’t play currently, let us know!

We will add more features such ban list etc.. to the web soon but till that time you can view current bans on or by typing !bans in servers’ chat. There are also new commands !rules and !donate which will open proper webpage with information you need.

And last of all, current old SGVE #1 will be turned off by ending this week and it will be replaced with new SGVE #1 which you can find on IP: All your ranks and stuff should be there.

BTW. SGVE #2 shoud start working again in following weeks, SGVE #3 will be on preparation soon.

Enjoy! πŸ™‚

ViktorK and eber from SGVE

New SGVE Server #1 – public BETA test

Hey all,
as I recently announced on our Facebook, we are preparing to move SGVE Servers to way stronger hardware. If you want to be our tester and try upcoming server #1, you can now do it! πŸ™‚


If you find some bugs, feel free to report it on e-mail

Enjoy! πŸ™‚

SGVE Server #1 is working again

Dear players,

finally after few days of having server offline we managed to fix it. Everything should work as before.

But if you find a bug, feel free to report it to


(It’s same as before just for info :D.)

Enjoy! πŸ™‚

ViktorK & eber

SGVE Server #1 is down due to technical issues

By [SGVE] ViktorK |CZ| Dear players,
I am really sorry for having server offline for few days but we’ve ran into serious technical issues, hopefully server will be fully functional in following days and don’t worry everything should remain same.

Reason why you weren’t informed sooner was that I wasn’t on PC during weekend and eber is very unreliable, he didn’t send here this announcement even I’ve asked him. WHAT A SHAME EBER!

So stay tuned, everything should be back to normal soon!

From:: SGVE Server News