About GM servers

In the meantime we run three servers:


IP Address: gm.sgve.eu:27015

Launch date: 19. 4. 2011

The former SGVE Server 19th April 2011, running until 15th August 2011 (ended because of lack of finance, time and technical issues)

The second SGVE Server 30th December 2011 (launching date for alpha- and betatesting, second betatests started on 29th March 2012 and free-to-play began on 10th April 2012)

Space Combat, Wire, official CAP (Carter’s addon pack) and SB3 server

Nowadays, player limit set at 10 (Enlarging onto 12-16 is one of our goals)

Server is generally made for building large spaceships, testing weapons and systems, space combat…and so on.

5-7 playing maps, being regularly changed

Every map contains a „spawn“ planet where all combat is prohibited and where players can play around a little. Aside from this there are 5 to 8 other planets on the map, for instance a lava, an icy, a desert planet, smaller or larger space bases, research labs on abandoned planets and so on…

There are at least 3 ways of transport between planets:
  • Via Stargates – One gate with DHD is on every planet
  • Via space vehicles – With having a lot of space on the maps, you can use vehicles. You can use ships from the Stargate series like Death gliders, Puddlejumpers, Tel’taks, Gate gliders and so on…or maybe mind buildng your own transport/combat ship.
  • Via transport machines –You can use multiple transport ways – for example Asgard teleports, all kinds of stargate rings…or you can use teleporting machines on your ships.

All players playing here have to obey rules written under „Rules“ section

Non-ranked players have Tau’ri skin and basic functions, should you want to know more, check the rank article HERE

Screenshots from playing on this server are HERE

A few points o´ fact

The most played map is sb_forlorn_sb3_r3

More than 40 000 unique players played on our server


IP Address: gm2.sgve.eu:27015

Launch date: 16. 4. 2012 (BETA test).

Official start on the 25th April 2012 (still a BETA test because of a provider issue of our #1 Server)

Official CAP (carter’s addon pack) stargate build server

16 player slots

Generally used for testing all wiring and weapon systems, building bround fortresses, experimenting with building (Adv-Duplicator save possibility), mass combat and so on J

5-7 playing maps, being regularly changed, two sorts of ´em:
  • One sort of location – Flatgrass-based maps. Only one environment, but a very vast one with multiple terrain obstacles, water, underground and sky building complexes, multiple transport engines, several Stargates and so on. Tube and speedways included because of the size.
  • Multiple-location maps – Unlike the Server #1 maps, these do not include space. This means space battles are harshly restricted here as well as the ship size. However, more locations are included here. Some maps include up to 25 planets – SGC, Abydos, Dakara,  Chulak and other Goa‘uld planets….as well as planets of Tollans, Nox, Asgards, Alpha base…and so on.

Every map contains a „spawn“ planet where all combat is prohibited and where players can play around a little. Then there is either one large, or a multiple-location map (see higher).

Transporting via Stargates, transprot utilities, by your own vehicle or on foot J

All players playing here have to obey rules written under „Rules“ section

Non-ranked players have Tau’ri skin and basic functions, should you want to know more, check the rank article HERE

Screenshots from plays on this server are shown HERE

A few points o´ fact

The most played map here is gm_flatgrass

More than — players spent quite some time on this server


IP Adresa: gm3.sgve.eu:27016